Our Response…
Our new reality is challenging all of us as we follow state of emergency and stay-at-home orders. We are being challenged to be ‘the church’ under very extreme circumstances. Even so, new and creative ideas are making it possible to demonstrate our concern and care for others.
Ways We Are Responding: On this page you’ll find ways to connect with other people, show your concern and how to stay connected with each other. This list will be regularly updated, so you might want to return to this page often.
Weekly Sunday worship on Facebook Live: Join us at 10:00 a.m. Sunday mornings on Facebook Live. The 10:00 a.m. worship time will remain in place during the summer and through Labor Day weekend. To view the live stream, go to www.Facebook.com/FirstCovenantErie/Go to the bulletin section of this website to download the weekly bulletin before service begins.
Weekly Bible study on Facebook Live: In addition to the live stream of worship on Sundays, you can also enjoy a half hour Bible study offered on Facebook Live on Wednesdays at noon. Again, to view this live steam go to www.Facebook.com/FirstCovenantErie/
Play it again: If you missed the opportunity to join any live stream event, you can always listen to the sermon audio, anytime on this website, just go to worship on the menu bar and then sermon audio. All past sermons are organized by date. You can also see video of past worship services and Bible studies that were live streamed on Facebook Live.
First Covenant Church Office: The First Covenant church office remains open. However, staff are mostly working from home. A ministry staff person can be reached in the office each weekday Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. The building is closed to all meetings, gatherings, events until further notice. The church is working with community partners to address needs and concerns as they arise. You can call the church office at 814.456.4243 or email office@firstcovenanterie.org
Children & Youth – Faith Formation online and PDF resources for families: If you are not already on the children and youth email list, contact Associate Pastor Britney at Britney.Knight@firstcovenanterie.org.
Virtual Youth Group: Pastor Britney and youth leaders are hosting a GroupMe chat on Sundays at 4:00 p.m.-the regular time for youth group gatherings. This virtual experience includes a video and then discussion. If you want to join in permission from parents is needed to add children to the group since this is a form of social media. Email Pastor Britney at Britney.Knight@firstcovenanterie.org
Hospitals, Nursing Homes & Shut-ins: All hospitals and nursing homes are under locked down orders and no visitors are allowed until further notice. Reach out and minister to those in these circumstances.
- UPMC Hamot and Saint Vincent/Allegheny Health Network have asked that we do not send hospital visitors at this time. Both have e-card systems set up: St. Vincent/Allegheny Health Network: https://www.ahn.org/send-e-card and UPMC Hamot: https://ecards.upmc.com/
- Asbury Springhill: This facility has asked that we send cards/letters and encouragement to their residents. All correspondence can be marked Attn: Katie Mackenzie, Director of Resident Life, Asbury Springhill, 2323 Edinboro Road, Erie PA 16509.
- Remember our shut-ins with a card during “no visitations.” Call the church office for a list.
Sunday Supper – Now Take-Out Only: For more than five years, the First Covenant Sunday Supper ministry has provided sit-down meals in Knox Hall every Sunday. Now the coronavirus pandemic means there are no longer any dine-in meals. However, this ministry has adopted to these challenging times and is serving TAKE-OUT ONLY meals every Sunday from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in Knox Hall. Consider how you can support this ministry, then contact Pat Tracy at 864-6118 or tptracy72@gmail.com.
Little Pantry Ministry needs food donations: You can help support this ministry with a donation of non-perishable for items. Bring you canned goods and other boxed items to the 7th street office door, Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Before you do PLEASE call the church office to let them know that you are making a drop-off donation. All food donations will be sanitized and then placed in the Little Pantry. The Deacons of First Covenant have increased funding for this ministry since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Dr. Carol Amann of Gannon University stocks the Little Pantry for neighbors in need of food.
Potty Ministry: Porta-potties were placed in the parking lot by EUMA for our neighbors without homes.
Remember our “front line” workers: grocery store employees, doctors and nurses, pharmacists, truckers, garbage collectors, letter carriers, police, firefighters, the U.S. President, PA Governor, Erie County Executive, Erie’s mayor, City Hall workers, Erie County Health Dept., news reporters —and more. They are under tremendous pressures. Why not mail them a thank you?
Do we have your current e-mail address? Updates & worship bulletins are being e-mailed weekly.Submit your email address, prayer request, suggestion or question to office@firstcovenanterie.org