On Easter Sunday, April 21 we will be collecting the special offering for ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING. This money supports the work of the church in three areas:
- Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is an emergency and refugee program that addresses communities adversely affected by crisis and catastrophic events.
- Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) works to alleviate hunger and eliminate its root causes. In 2017 this program gave over 125 grants (valued over $1.1 million) to communities in the U.S. and 21 other countries.
- Self-Development of People (SDOP) continues to work with low income communities in the U.S. to overcome oppression and injustice. Projects focus on advocacy, youth-led initiatives, skills development, farming, worker rights, immigration and refugee issues and capacity building. Over 5,000 projects in economically poor communities in the U.S. and around the world have had an opportunity to develop solutions to their own challenges.
Please consider donating to this special offering. Label your envelope “OGHS” when giving cash or put “OGHS” on the memo line of checks.
Envelopes can be found in the pews.