Our Faith Formation classes are designed to provide group learning opportunities for our congregation and community. Drop-ins are always welcome. To learn more, contact Pastor Chris or Pastor Britney.
Pastor’s Class
Sundays at 9:30 AM | The Pastor’s Class will delve into the Sunday Sermon passage. There will be teaching and group discussion for adults. Meets in Fidelis.
Faith Discussion
Sundays at 9:30 AM | Bill Holmes will lead a class studying Proverbs. This class will meet in Room 313.
Women & The Word
Women & The Word is studying “Let Justice Roll Down” by Patricia K. Tull and meets every other Tuesday. All women, 18 and older, are invited. This class meets in the Parlor.
Facebook LIVE Bible Study
Wednesdays at 12:00 PM | Join us for a midday Bible study, hosted by Pastor Chris, on our Facebook page.
Men’s Bible Study Alternate Wednesdays at 7:30 AM | This group meets over Zoom. Email Pastor Chris for Zoom link.
All students in our area are invited to join us for the many events, meetings, and service opportunities we will host this year. More information will be shared as it is finalized. The best way to stay up to date on our children and youth activities is to make sure Pastor Britney and Monty Service have your email and home addresses.
Kids’ Faith Formation: Kristen Headley will lead a class for kids ages 4 through 5th grade in the Nursery that follows the Whirl Bible Study curriculum. Filled with activities and videos, this class complements the Children’s Moment and Kids Church.
Children’s Moment: Children ages 4 through 5th grade will be invited to the front of the Sanctuary for a special moment where our pastors share the day’s message with stories and props.
Kids’ Church: After the Children’s Moment, kids are welcome to gather in the nursery for music and crafts. On non-Communion Sundays, students will return to the Sanctuary before the end of worship. On Communion Sundays, children will return to the Sanctuary after the sermon to see Communion and partake if desired.
Junior Ringers: Our Youth Chimes ensemble meets during select Kids Church sessions and one or two times per month as availability permits to practice a piece to share during worship. To learn more and receive an updated rehearsal schedule, please contact Monty Service.
Youth Group: The Youth will meet with Pastor Britney in the Sr. High Lounge on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM for Bible study and other activities.
Greater Than The Sum (GTTS): This vocal and handbell choir meets twice a month after worship to practice and prepare pieces to play during worship. Students of all musical abilities are welcome. In January, we will meet at 12:30 in the Sanctuary, on the 12th.