Join Us for a Special Meeting on January 14…
When Britney Knight asked me if I would be willing to start a small group to focus on some of the urban ministry lessons identified by Focused Community Strategies in Atlanta I tentatively said yes, I can do that. The adventure that Seph Kumer, Pat Tracy and I embarked on left me much to ponder, mostly how does their experiences relate to us individually and collec-tively. How is God calling us (individually and collectively) to live meaningfully with our near and far neighbors..
One message that kept resonating with me involved sentence structure, the use of a simple preposition can totally change the focus and intended meaning of the sentence. Consider: I can do this for you. I can do this to you. I can do this with you. So it is with helping others…and setting up small groups.
I won’t pretend to have any answers to the complex issues of poverty and positive change but I know doing nothing is not a option. Please join me for an informal gathering at the Plymouth Tavern Saturday January 14, 11:00 a.m., as we explore some ideas for doing “something” more. Possible small group studies could include “Toxic Charity” by Robert Lupton, “When Helping Hurts” by Steve Corbett, “Neighborhood Mapping” by John Fuder, “I Will: Nine Habits of the Outwardly Focused Christian” by Thom Rainer. Bring your ideas on where you see the spirit leading us…I would much rather plan this with you than for you or to you.
Plans are to meet for 60 to 90 minutes, come for all or part of the time. Sandwiches, snacks and beverag-es will be provided. Childcare can be arranged. Reservations are helpful to allow me to plan food and space. Can’t make the gathering? Leave me Lorie Fritts, (823-4838, fritts05@gmail) or Britney Knight (456-4243) a message with your thoughts and we will incorporate them into our plans. Prayfully consider joining us as we mull over Spirit-led next steps for First Covenant.