In past years, our congregation has helped local schools – especially ones where members serve as teachers, community school coordinators, or principals – achieve specific goals for their students and the communities they serve. This year, the Deacons are partnering with members Alison and Joe Paluchak, both teachers at Joanna Connell Elementary School, for a book drive.
Books are an expense that not every school can afford each year. Often, teachers purchase class sets out of their own pockets. This drive will update some of the worn-out or lost books in the school’s library, add books from new and popular authors, and give complete sets of certain books to teachers for classroom reading.
Our Deacons will have trees with paper Easter Eggs on them in the Welcome Center and the Narthex. Each Easter Egg will have the title, author, and ISBN number of a book that has been requested. In addition, we will also be putting together an Amazon Wish List of books so everyone can participate, even if you can’t make it to our building. You can drop off your book or have it sent to our office any time during Lent. All books are due by Easter Sunday, April 17. Books can open worlds for students and spark their imaginations with ideas that can change lives. Thank you for your support of this project. If you have any questions, please contact Diane Ream, Moderator of the Deacons, at