February 2024
At the stated session meeting of February 19th Session:
Voted with regret to remove Gene Wilkins from the membership roll at her request.
Voted to approve being the backup host for the May 21st meeting of Lake Erie Presbytery, if necessary and if the way be clear.
Heard a report that the current website has been updated as far as the current platform will allow. Work on a new website is progressing.
Approved the baptism of Beatrix Trexler, daughter of Kyle and Daniele Trexler.
January 2024
At the stated session meeting of January 15th Session:
- Heard a report from Rev. Weichman that to date 106 pledge cards have been returned for a total of $259,000.00.
- Elected Marlene Spires as the second elder on the Nominating Committee for 2024.
- Approved an increase from $38,000.00 to $42,000 to be taken from the Tiffany Window Fund to purchase a new truck.
- Auth0rized a special offering to be taken as part of our celebrations of 50 years of campus ministry work with Gannon University. The designated purpose of the special offering is to support the Kirk House and campus ministry.
At the Congregational Meeting Part 1 and Special Meeting of the Corporation on January 21st:
- Members Shelia Sweet, Steve Osborn, Kia Howell, Karola Ranfty, and Lorie Fritts were elected to serve a one-year term on the Nominating Committee as representatives from the congregation at large.
- Elder Jason Irwin, Chair of the Budget Committee, gave a brief overview and explanation of the 2024 General Fund Budget.
- Session has approved a General Fund Budget with anticipated revenue of $862,495.00 including $108,387 in additional funds from the principal of the Endowment Fund and anticipated expenses of $862,495.00.
- A special meeting of the corporation was held during a recess in the congregational meeting. In this special meeting members voted to approve a motion from Session to withdraw up to $112,788.00 from the principal of the Endowment Fund to be used to balance the General Fund Budget for 2024.
- When the Congregational meeting resumed, members voted to approve motions from the Personnel Committee granting Rev. Chris Weichman and Rev. Britney Knight each a 3% raise for 2024. Due to a printing error, the correct details of the new terms of call were not available. The details will be available in the near future.
Note: Minutes of earlier Session meetings can be found in the Brittainn Library.